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Iran, Hamas Call West Bank to Rise Up Against Israel

August 18, 2014

“On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations.  All who try to move it will injure themselves.”  (Zechariah 12:3)

While Hamas rockets dogged Israeli civilians this past month and Israeli troops focused on dismantling Hamas’ terror infrastructure, Iran’s brash statements to wipe Israel off the map might have seemed like a less urgent threat to the Jewish state.

Yet, Iran has been standing in the shadows of Hamas, prompting international Muslims and, most recently, Palestinian Arabs in Judea and Samaria (the “West Bank”), to take up arms against Israel.

On August 11, the Iranian Armed Forces’ deputy chief of staff, Brigadier General Massoud Jazzayeri encouraged “West Bank” Arabs (Arabs in Judea and Samaria) to take part in “more serious fighting” against Israel.

“The countdown has started for a change in the model of confrontation in the West Bank,” Jazzayeri said to the Iranian state news agency, Fars, adding that “the Palestinian people—especially the youth, resistance forces and warriors—have valuable experiences in fighting the Zionist enemy.”

“Through the spread and expansion of more serious fighting in the occupied territories, the usurpers and occupiers will have no option other than leaving these holy occupied territories,” Jazzayeri said.

Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called for Muslims around the world to arm Gazans against Israel.

The statement follows a July 23 public statement by Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei that “the West Bank should be armed like Gaza.”  (Algemeiner; Aawsat.net)

On July 29, at the conclusion of the fasting month of Ramadan, Khamenei made a call to Muslims around the world to take part in arming Gazans to fight against Israel.  (Huffington Post)

Similarly, Muslim clerics have been some of the most vocal in declaring Islam’s intentions to attack Israel and to annihilate the Jews.

A day after Khamenei’s speech, Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum summoned Arabs in Israel and Judea-Samaria “to avenge the blood of Gaza.”

“Anyone who has a knife, a club, a weapon, or a car, yet does not use it to run over a Jew or a settler, and does not use it to kill dozens of Zionists, does not belong to Palestine,” Barhoum said.  (MEMRI)

Muslims in Israel and in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) are being encouraged by extremists to kill Jewish Israelis.

Muslims in Israel and in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) are being encouraged by extremists to kill Jewish Israelis.

An August 8 sermon given by an unnamed cleric in the ruins of Gaza’s Al-Sousi Mosque was translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute as saying, “The Palestinian nation is ready to sacrifice two million martyrs, for the sake of the holiest and most just cause on the face of the Earth.”

“We are ready to sacrifice all the sons of the Palestinian people for this holy cause,” he said.

Kaveh Afrasiabi, a 2004-2006 adviser to Iran’s nuclear negotiation team, and his colleague Nader Entessar wrote on August 13 in Aljazeera America, “In the wake of the latest conflict in Gaza, relations between Tehran and Hamas are on the upswing.”

“Tehran never completely severed ties but only temporarily reduced its support as a result of Hamas’ backing of Syrian rebels and the relocation of its foreign office from Damascus to Doha, Qatar.  Iran is now fully committed to material and moral support for the Palestinian resistance against Israel,” they state.


An Iranian official has confirmed that Iran has given Hamas and Islamic Jihad groups weapons technology, including plans for building Fajr-5 missiles. Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad fired Fajr-5 rockets towards Tel Aviv and Jerusalem in November 2012 during Operation Pillar of Defense. One hit an apartment block in Rishon LeZion. Hundreds were destroyed by Israeli airstrikes, while others were intercepted by the Iron Dome or fell in unpopulated areas.

As well, an Iranian official has confirmed that Iran has given Hamas and Islamic Jihad groups weapons technology, including plans for building Fajr-5 missiles, which have a range of 50 miles.

“Palestinian resistance missiles are the blessings of Iran’s transfer of technology,” the Secretary of the Expediency Discernment Council, Mohsen Rezaei, was quoted as saying by Al-Alam, the Arabic channel of Iran’s state TV.

“We need to transfer defensive and military technology to Palestinians so that they can build weapons under the blockade and defend themselves,” he added.  (ABC)

LT. Gen. Michael Flynn

Lieutenant General Michael T. Flynn, Director of the US Defense Intelligence Agency, recently warned of the growing threat of perpetual jihad.

Meanwhile, as United States Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, concludes his tenure as chief of the Defense Intelligence Agency, he describes the burgeoning threat of the “perpetual jihad” (holy war) of Islam.

In his last interview with Breaking Defense, Flynn said he believes we are living in a very dangerous era in which the core ideology and belief system of Islamist terrorism is spreading, not shrinking.

“I think we’re in a period of prolonged societal conflict that is pretty unprecedented,” he warned.

“I know that’s a scary thought, but in 2004, there were 21 total Islamic terrorist groups spread out in 18 countries. Today, there are 41 Islamic terrorist groups spread out in 24 countries.  A lot of these groups have the intention to attack Western interests, to include Western embassies and in some cases Western countries.  Some have both the intention and some capability to attack the United States homeland,” Flynn told Kitfield.

The US Secret Service is, in fact, investigating one pro-ISIS Twitter post showing an ISIS flag held up in front of the White House and making this promise: “#AmessagefromISIStoUS We are in your state We are in your cities We are in your streets You are our goals anywhere.”


The US Secret Service is investigating this pro-ISIS tweet that in #AmessagefromISIStoUS warns: We are in your state; We are in your cities; We are in your streets.

“On that day I will make the clans of Judah like a firepot in a woodpile, like a flaming torch among sheaves.  They will consume all the surrounding peoples right and left, but Jerusalem will remain intact in her place.”  (Zechariah 12:6)

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