Shalom Shalom! God bless Israel and His Jewish People. Thank you for your great work in the ministries. God bless you! Brother Yacouba
Y Sedion, Canada
I want all people to come to Jesus. CS
C Schake, United States
Genesis 12:3 "I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed".
K Morgan, United States
Thank you
L May, United States
Obrigado! [Thank you!]
T Francesco, Netherlands
Thank you
M Velasquez, United States
I enjoyed reading your articles on the priesthood and then about Jesus. The education is wonderful and well needed. Thank you.
Anonymous, United States
For the people of Israel to receive salvation. A thank for the birth of Jesus Christ. God bless!!!
Anonymous, United States
God says to bless Israel
C Weaver , United States
I know that reading the bible is critical to my walk with the Lord. Here is another source for me to learn more about the Jewish culture and about Jesus.
R Thomas, United States