Am Yisrael Chai
B Lopez, United States
I want to say thank you for the great opportunity to see and learn from the real Bible, I have never been very fond of all the revised, revised and revised again versions. I only take what feels right. Can never have too much knowledge especially if it fits right. Amen God bless in our Lamb, Lord and Saviors name Jesus Christ.
C Ambrose, Canada
I wish for all people to come to know Jesus before its too late, especially the Jewish people since they brang us the word of God, and need to realize Jesus is the true Messiah. Love you Israel!! Lorraine
L Parr, United States
I love the Jewish people and I would like more Jewish people who do not yet know about Jesus to hear and accept everything about Him and worship Him as their Lord and Savior as I do. Please bless me I am from Winnipeg and I wish when I was younger I had gotten the opportunity to visit Jerusalem to see where Jesus walked. God bless!! K. Maharaj
K Maharaj, Canada
I support this Ministry because God has given so much and the World. Forever more, I’m in love with the Father who loves us so much He gifted us Jesus and if that wasn’t enough then He they gifted us the Holy Spirit and it’s an honor to take the gospel into all the World. Thanks family and keep it going we have work to do until Jesus Christ returns. Love you all!! RLC
R Cummings, United States
I pray we all come into a true salvation of the Lord Yeshua (Jesus) both Jew and Gentile.
S Moulton, United States
The word of faith is near you-hear believe and act-a blind man head believe acted and received his sight when he heard about Jesus of Nazareth passing by, \"the word of faith\" that heals all who come to God through him. I have and has been restored to the full forever for his name sake. Three thousand heard on the day of Pentecost and believed-they were primarily Jews. The question still is will there be faith when he comes back?
J Fenton, United States
Baruch HaShem
C Allen, United States
Because he love me first…
Anonymous, United States
2 Corinthians 9:10 “Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness\"
E Parisi, United States