What Our Partners  Are  Saying . . .

  • I believe in this important ministry of spreading the Lord’s gospel to our Jewish brothers and sisters. E. Vega

    E Vega , United States

  • Israel should know its Messiah Yeshua, what a comfort that would be after all these long centuries of suffering and waiting!

    A Wyckoff, United States

  • Thank you, Yeshua for your gift of Salvation! I pray for all of Israel to receive this gift. This why I give what I can, so that all Israel may know our Messiah Yeshua! L. Mick

    L Mick, United States

  • I count it as a privilege and an honor to be able to sow with whatever I have in to the ministry.

    Anonymous, US

  • Shalom, the message Yahweh was delivering we couldn\'t receive. But His Son was the Way, Truth, and Life for us to regain life more abundantly in the presence of Yahweh. Yahshua Messiah intended for us, to see through the perversion of the enemies weapons that were created to separate us from Yahweh. And anyway that would help restore His Children to their path of righteousness I am in.

    T Vijayan, United States

  • Excited to have a messianic Bible that will help me see Jesus throughout the bible

    Anonymous, United States

  • Praying peace to Jerusalem/Israel - Maranatha Lord Yeshua!

    J Mobley, United States

  • As a young child I learned about Jesus and how He loved children - I wanted to meet Him. When I was old enough it read my Bible, He became my closest friend - and He still is. As a teenager, it shocked me when I was told that Jewish people don\'t believe Jesus is the Messiah, and I began to pray for their salvation. Later, I came across \"Bibles for Israel\" and signed up - I still look forward to finding my \"The Messianic Prophecy Bible Project\" newsletter in my mail box. I thank all of you who continue to keep us \"up-to-date\" on how hearts are changing among the Jewish people, and I pray that the numbers will grow exponentially, as soon as the Bible is completed, and they begin to read about our Beautiful Saviour, \"Jesus the Son of God!\"

    L Weitz, Canada

  • Thank you Adonai. Thank you Yeshua. I pray for your Kingdom and its inhabitants.

    R Cantu, United States

  • To proclaim the message of eternal life in the Messiah Yeshua is the priority of G-d. We are all about G-d\'s will for the Jewish people.

    G Taussig, United States