“For I have no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Lord God; so turn, and live.” (Ezekiel 18:32)
In recent days, Hamas operatives have executed at least 25 Gazans suspected of collaborating with Israel in what Hamas calls “Operation Strangling Necks.” (JP)
On Friday morning, 11 alleged informants were shot at the Gaza City police headquarters. Two of the 11 were women.
Later in the day, masked gunmen wearing black openly shot seven alleged in formants, lining them up against a wall with their heads covered with bags. They then sprayed them with automatic rifle fire in front of worshippers emerging from the al-Omari Mosque.
“The execution of Gaza residents, men and women, is cruelty that its purpose is to deter the populace,” Member of Knesset Moti Yogev said. “There is nothing behind it in terms of real intelligence.”
“Many of these killings are nothing more than Hamas settling the score in incidental feuds or disputes that are completely unrelated to Israel,” he said.
Mordechai Kedar, a professor of Arabic literature at Bar-Ilan University in Ramat Gan, a city in the Tel Aviv district, said the executions are an example of the inhumanity of Hamas.
“Whoever is suspected is executed without any judicial process. Even Amnesty International criticized them very severely,” Kedar stated. “And Amnesty is not at all a pro-Zionist organization.”