“Tell those who cover it with whitewash that it is going to fall. Rain will come in torrents, and I will send hailstones hurtling down, and violent winds will burst forth. When the wall collapses, will people not ask you, ‘Where is the whitewash you covered it with?’” (Ezekiel 13:11–12)
Victims of Palestinian violence, Kay Wilson, the son of Richard Lakin, and their advocates, appeared before the United Nations Human Rights Council on March 21 to hold the international council accountable for whitewashing anti-Israel crimes.
Jewish Israeli Kay Wilson delivered a strong, direct message to members of the 47-state international council last Monday, in which she described being assaulted multiple times by Palestinians in December 2010.
“I was gagged, bound and held at knifepoint for half an hour by two Palestinian terrorists, then butchered 13 times with a machete, while watching my American Christian friend, Kristine Luken, hacked to death before my eyes because her executioners thought she was Jewish.”
Wilson, who works as a tour guide in Israel and an educator for the Stand With Us Israel-advocacy group since her attack, stated Monday that Palestinians have been given immoral excuses to commit horrible crimes against other human beings.
Wilson added that she as an actual victim of abuse has not “taken out my frustrations by holding Arabs hostage, tying them up and hacking them to death.”
To the Human Rights Council, Wilson added, “Avoiding duty, and with pathological bias, you blame Israel, a Jewish democratic state of thriving coexistence, in which an Israeli Arab Muslim surgeon saved my life.”
The United Nations makes accusations against Israel while “the United Nations Human Rights Council immorally whitewashes [Palestinian] terrorism as helplessness and frustration,” she said.
“Gagged with prejudice, bound with bigotry or held hostage by hate and ineffective to do the goodness that will enhance people’s lives, may this council be set free, liberated to embrace both the integrity and impartiality needed to make our region a better place,” Wilson stated.
Also appearing on behalf of Israeli victims of terror last Monday was the son of 76-year-old American-born Israeli terror victim Richard Lakin. The school teacher left behind eight grandchildren and an educational legacy that emphasized acts of loving kindness. (JP)
His belief that “every child is a miracle” is a foundational principle in his 2007 book Teaching as an Act of Love: Thoughts and Recollections of a Former Teacher, Principal and Kid and in his work as the former principal of the Hopewell Elementary School in Glastonbury, Connecticut.
Lakin died two weeks after being shot in the head on October 13, 2015 by Palestinian terrorists who also murdered two other bus passengers. The shooting and stabbing attack occurred in the Armon Hanatziv neighborhood of Jerusalem.
Lakin’s son, Avni, issued a frank rebuke to the UNHRC during a session titled “Human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories.”
“Your failure to condemn Palestinian violence and your continued rationalization of Palestinian terror is pushing peace away, making more death inevitable,” Avni said, turning to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to say, “You did not publicly condemn the Palestinian terrorists or the incitement of the Palestinian Authority, which nourishes the deadly violence.
“This Council’s website says that the United Nations responds to the actions of terrorism and lists a long list of terrorist attacks and condemnations by the United Nations. My father’s name is not listed there,” Avni added. “In fact, not a single Israeli killed by Palestinian terrorists since September is listed.”

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (right) meets with the wife and son of Richard Lakin in Jerusalem. Lakin, whose, picture is being passed to Ki-moon in the above photo, is not named in caption for this photo on the UN site. (UN photo by Rick Bajornas)
“Palestinians are not prepared for peace,” he observed. “Instead, Palestinian leader [Mahmoud] Abbas praised the murderer of my father, calling him a martyr destined to go to heaven.”
Avni called for the US to cease funding the Palestinian government, and to the UN: “I challenge you to immediately condemn the murder of my father. I challenge you to condemn Abbas who called the killer a martyr and who calls for violence and hatred.
“The UNHRC is like the train leading to Auschwitz,” he said. “Until you see the rampant anti-Semitism that takes place here [in Israel], you don’t realize how dangerous it is.” (YNet)
Israeli politician Yair Lapid (Yesh Atid party) joined about 300 pro-Israel demonstrators gathered outside of the UN complex in Geneva, who rallied during a slated array of anti-Israel resolutions being considered by the UN.
Lapid told the Council that it does not advocate for Human Rights but rather for Terrorist Rights.
“We are not willing to remain silent anymore,” he said, before asking Ban Ki-moon to “take a moral stand” and address the Human Rights Council for “attacking Jews for being Jews.” (Times of Israel)