“I will also make you a light for the Gentiles, that My salvation may reach to the ends of the earth.” (Isaiah 49:6)
Israel’s advancements continue to lead the way in medicine.
RealView Imaging Ltd. has devised a way to create real-time holographic images of a patient’s organs, including the heart, to aid surgeons during surgical procedures. (CBS)
The imaging, which employs X-ray, MRI and / or ultrasound to construct a smooth floating image in free air, can also be used to view a fetus during pregnancy.
Surgeons can interact with the holograms, which provide highly detailed images of organs, and they do not require special eyewear.
Elchanan Bruckheimer, RealView’s medical director said 3D imaging makes it possible to see what is going on inside the patient’s anatomy while the actual procedure is taking place.
“What that does is that gives you the patient’s anatomy, the real patient’s anatomy in a position where it’s hyper realistic,” he said. “You can see all of it. You can intuitively know where you are or what’s going on inside that anatomy in real time.”
The device will be launched in 2015.