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Anti-Semites, Conspiracy Theorists Converge for Tehran Conference

October 7, 2014

“Lead me, Lord, in your righteousness because of my enemies—make your way straight before me.”  (Psalm 5:8)

Anglican vicar Stephen Sizer, who has a long record of anti-Israel activity, was in Tehran, Iran last week where he attended the New Horizon Conference, fraternizing with those who desire the destruction of the Jewish State.

The personal adviser to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Mohsen Ghomi opened the conference by boasting that the conference is “the biggest threat to Zionists.”

Ghomi also stated that “American officials are puppets of the Zionist lobby who are taking advantage of American ignorance.”

Anglican vicar Stephen Sizer

Anglican vicar Stephen Sizer

When asked, Sizer claims he attends events by Holocaust deniers to preach about Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah); however, he used his soapbox there to promote the idea that Israel is an occupier and a power that controls the BBC and other mainstream media.  (Algemeiner)

Sizer spoke on “The Israeli Lobby in England.”  Also on the panel were Sizer’s Canadian and U.S. counterparts, 9/11 skeptics Anthony Hall and Kevin Barrett from Truth Jihad Radio and Globalization Studies Professor Anthony Hall, as well as nine other national “representatives.”  (CST Blog) 

Other attendees included anti-Semitic French “comedian” Dieudonne M’bala M’bala, who popularized an inverted Nazi salute from his routines, and Mark Siljander, a former U.S. representative from Michigan found guilty of being connected to terror-funding groups.

“A disturbing new element in this anti-Jewish gathering is the appearance on the guest list of a few high-visibility US anti-war and anti-Israel activists who claim their positions are not motivated by anti-Semitism,” said Anti-Defamation League Director Abraham H. Foxman.  (JPost)

Meanwhile, the conference session attracted audiences interested in subjects such as the “similarities (between) Nazism and Zionism” and “the Jewish hand behind the Internet,” as well as the “Mossad’s Role in the 9/11 Coup d’Etat,” which includes “9/11 and the Holocaust as pro-Zionist ‘Public Myths.'”

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